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- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/all.h>
- #include <dpkernel/prefs.h>
- #include "defs.h"
- /***********************************************************************************
- ** Internal: UnpackPicture()
- **
- ** Unpacks the BODY data to the Picture->Bitmap. If the palettes or amount of
- ** colours do not match, the picture will be automatically remapped.
- */
- LONG UnpackPicture(struct Picture *Picture, struct BMHD *BMHD,
- struct File *File, LONG *CMAP, LONG CAMG)
- {
- struct Bitmap *Bitmap;
- struct Bitmap *ILBMBitmap = NULL;
- WORD MaxWidth;
- LONG Colour;
- WORD i, y, j, ydest;
- WORD XRemainder, YRemainder, Domain;
- LONG AmtColours;
- WORD Height;
- WORD BPos;
- BYTE *DestPalette;
- BYTE *SrcPalette;
- BYTE *SrcBData;
- BYTE *DestBData;
- BYTE *Dest;
- LONG *Palette = NULL;
- BYTE *Buffer = NULL;
- APTR BLTBase = GVBase->BlitterBase;
- LONG ecode = ERR_FAILED;
- DPrintF("UnpackPicture()","Unpacking ILBM picture to destination...");
- if (Picture->Options & IMG_RESIZE) {
- DPrintF("UnpackPicture:","Note that the image will need to be resized.");
- }
- DPrintF("3UnpackPicture:","Allocating an unpack buffer of %ld bytes.",UNPACKSIZE);
- if ((Buffer = AllocMemBlock(UNPACKSIZE, MEM_DATA)) IS NULL) {
- goto exit;
- }
- Bitmap = Picture->Bitmap;
- YRemainder = NULL;
- if ((Height = Bitmap->Height) > BMHD->Height) {
- Height = BMHD->Height;
- }
- /*** Calculate the amount of colours in the ILBM BMHD source. ***/
- if (CMAP) {
- if ((BMHD->Depth < 1) OR (BMHD->Depth > 8)) {
- DPrintF("!UnpackPicture:","Incorrect/Unsupported plane depth (%d).",BMHD->Depth);
- }
- AmtColours = 1;
- for (i=0; i < BMHD->Depth; i++) {
- AmtColours *= 2;
- }
- /* Build the palette here and use it in the ILBM Bitmap. This is
- ** necessary for ReadRGBPixel() functions which we use further down.
- */
- if (Palette = AllocMemBlock((AmtColours * 4)+8,MEM_DATA)) {
- Palette[0] = PALETTE_ARRAY;
- Palette[1] = AmtColours;
- SrcPalette = (BYTE *)CMAP;
- DestPalette = ((BYTE *)Palette)+8;
- for (i=0; i < AmtColours; i++) {
- DestPalette[1] = SrcPalette[0];
- DestPalette[2] = SrcPalette[1];
- DestPalette[3] = SrcPalette[2];
- DestPalette += 4;
- SrcPalette += 3;
- }
- }
- else goto exit;
- }
- DPrintF("3UnpackPicture:","Allocating dummy Bitmap.");
- if (!(ILBMBitmap = InitTags(NULL,
- BMA_Width, BMHD->Width,
- BMA_Height, 1,
- BMA_Planes, BMHD->Depth,
- BMA_Type, ILBM,
- BMA_Palette, Palette,
- TAGEND))) {
- goto exit;
- }
- /*** Force remapping if colours or palettes are different ***/
- if (Bitmap->AmtColours != ILBMBitmap->AmtColours) {
- Picture->Options |= IMG_REMAP;
- }
- if ((Picture->Options & (IMG_REMAP|IMG_NOCOMPARE)) IS NULL) {
- if (Bitmap->Palette) { /* Compare palettes */
- for (i=2; i < (Bitmap->AmtColours+2); i++) {
- if (Bitmap->Palette[i] != ILBMBitmap->Palette[i]) {
- Picture->Options |= IMG_REMAP;
- i = 30000; /* Terminate the loop */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (Picture->Options & IMG_REMAP) {
- DPrintF("UnpackPicture:","Colour remapping for this Picture is in effect.");
- }
- /*** Calculate some initial variables for the loop ***/
- if (Bitmap->Width < ILBMBitmap->Width) {
- MaxWidth = Bitmap->Width;
- }
- else {
- MaxWidth = ILBMBitmap->Width;
- }
- ydest = NULL;
- /* Begin the loop now. Unpack one row at a time to the ILBM Bitmap
- ** buffer, then copy the pixels from the buffer over to our destination.
- */
- DebugOff();
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- for (y=0; y < Height; y++) {
- /*** Unpack the body data to our special ILBM Bitmap ***/
- if ((BMHD->Depth IS 8) AND (CAMG & OSV_HAM)) {
- Dest = ((BYTE *)ILBMBitmap->Data) + (ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth * 2);
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos); Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos); Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos); Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos); Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos); Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos);
- Dest = ILBMBitmap->Data;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos); Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos);
- }
- else {
- Dest = ILBMBitmap->Data;
- for (j=0; j < ILBMBitmap->Planes; j++) {
- BPos = UnpackPlane(BMHD, File, ILBMBitmap, Dest, Buffer, BPos);
- Dest += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- }
- }
- /* Write the data out to the destination Bitmap. If resizing,
- ** we use the standard DrawPixel() and ReadPixel() routines. Although
- ** we could improve the speed in some parts, it is not too crucial.
- */
- if ((Picture->Options & IMG_RESIZEX) AND (Bitmap->Width != ILBMBitmap->Width)) {
- if (ILBMBitmap->Width > Bitmap->Width) { /*** Shrink Row ***/
- XRemainder = NULL;
- Domain = ILBMBitmap->Width - Bitmap->Width;
- j = NULL;
- for (i=0; i < Bitmap->Width; i++) {
- XRemainder += Domain;
- while (XRemainder >= Bitmap->Width) {
- XRemainder -= Bitmap->Width;
- j++;
- }
- Bitmap->DrawUCRPixel(Bitmap,i,ydest,ILBMBitmap->ReadUCRPixel(ILBMBitmap,j++,0));
- }
- }
- else { /*** Expand Row ***/
- XRemainder = NULL;
- Domain = Bitmap->Width - ILBMBitmap->Width;
- j = NULL;
- for (i=0; i < ILBMBitmap->Width; i++) {
- Colour = ILBMBitmap->ReadUCRPixel(ILBMBitmap,i,0);
- Bitmap->DrawUCRPixel(Bitmap,j++,ydest,Colour);
- XRemainder += Domain;
- while (XRemainder >= ILBMBitmap->Width) {
- Bitmap->DrawUCRPixel(Bitmap,j++,ydest,Colour);
- XRemainder -= ILBMBitmap->Width;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (Picture->Options & IMG_REMAP) {
- for (i=0; i < MaxWidth; i++) {
- Bitmap->DrawUCRPixel(Bitmap,i,ydest,ILBMBitmap->ReadUCRPixel(ILBMBitmap,i,0));
- }
- }
- else if ((Bitmap->Type IS PLANAR) OR (Bitmap->Type IS ILBM)) {
- /* This routine takes advantage of the fact that PLANAR and ILBM
- ** store pixels in sets of 8 per byte.
- */
- SrcBData = (BYTE *)ILBMBitmap->Data;
- DestBData = ((BYTE *)Bitmap->Data) + (Bitmap->LineMod * ydest);
- for (j=0; j < ILBMBitmap->Planes; j++) {
- for (i=0; i < ((MaxWidth+15) & 0xFFF0)/8; i++) {
- DestBData[i] = SrcBData[i];
- }
- SrcBData += ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth;
- DestBData += Bitmap->PlaneMod;
- }
- }
- else if (Bitmap->Type IS CHUNKY8) {
- DestBData = ((BYTE *)Bitmap->Data) + (Bitmap->ByteWidth * ydest);
- for (i=0; i < MaxWidth; i++) {
- DestBData[i] = ILBMBitmap->ReadUCPixel(ILBMBitmap,i,0); /* Convert ILBM to Chunky */
- }
- }
- else { /* CHUNKY16 and TRUECOLOUR types require RGB to read from ILBM */
- for (i=0; i < MaxWidth; i++) {
- Bitmap->DrawUCRPixel(Bitmap,i,ydest,ILBMBitmap->ReadUCRPixel(ILBMBitmap,i,0));
- }
- }
- /*** Image Resizing Y Axis ***/
- if (Picture->Options & IMG_RESIZEY) {
- if (Bitmap->Height < BMHD->Height) { /*** Shrink Down ***/
- Domain = BMHD->Height - Bitmap->Height;
- YRemainder += Domain;
- while (YRemainder >= Bitmap->Height) {
- YRemainder -= Bitmap->Height;
- BPos = SkipLine(BMHD, (BYTE *)Buffer, File, ILBMBitmap,BPos);
- }
- }
- else if (Bitmap->Height > BMHD->Height) { /*** Expand ***/
- Domain = Bitmap->Height - BMHD->Height;
- YRemainder += Domain;
- while (YRemainder >= BMHD->Height) {
- YRemainder -= BMHD->Height;
- ydest++;
- CopyLine(Bitmap,Bitmap,ydest-1,ydest,Bitmap->Width,0);
- }
- }
- }
- ydest++;
- }
- ecode = ERR_OK;
- exit:
- DebugOn();
- if (Buffer) FreeMemBlock(Buffer);
- if (ILBMBitmap) Free(ILBMBitmap);
- if (Palette) FreeMemBlock(Palette);
- return(ecode);
- }
- /***********************************************************************************
- ** Internal: SkipLine()
- ** Short: Skips a complete line of Buffer data.
- */
- WORD SkipLine(struct BMHD *BMHD, BYTE *Buffer, struct File *File, struct Bitmap *ILBMBitmap, WORD BPos)
- {
- WORD written;
- BYTE num, j;
- if (BMHD->Pack) {
- for (j=0; j < ILBMBitmap->Planes; j++) {
- written = NULL;
- while (written < ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth) {
- num = Buffer[BPos++];
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- if (num >= 0) {
- do {
- BPos++;
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- num--;
- written++;
- } while (num >= 0);
- }
- else if (num != -128) {
- num = -num;
- BPos++;
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- do {
- written++;
- num--;
- } while (num >= 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (j=0; j < ILBMBitmap->Planes; j++) {
- for (num=0; num < ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth; num++) {
- BPos++;
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(BPos);
- }
- /***********************************************************************************
- ** Internal: UnpackPlane()
- ** Short: Unpacks one plane of BODY data to the ILBMBitmap object.
- */
- WORD UnpackPlane(struct BMHD *BMHD, struct File *File, struct Bitmap *ILBMBitmap, BYTE *Dest, BYTE *Buffer, WORD BPos)
- {
- WORD written;
- BYTE num, col;
- if (BMHD->Pack) {
- written = NULL;
- while (written < ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth) {
- num = Buffer[BPos++];
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- if (num >= 0) {
- do {
- *Dest++ = Buffer[BPos++];
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- num--;
- written++;
- if (written > ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth) return(BPos);
- } while (num >= 0);
- }
- else if (num != -128) {
- col = Buffer[BPos++];
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- do {
- *Dest++ = col;
- written++;
- num++;
- if (written > ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth) return(BPos);
- } while (num <= 0);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (num=0; num < ILBMBitmap->ByteWidth; num++) {
- *Dest++ = Buffer[BPos++];
- if (BPos >= UNPACKSIZE) {
- BPos = NULL;
- Read(File, Buffer, UNPACKSIZE);
- }
- }
- }
- return(BPos);
- }